AAC Technology
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete – AAC Technology has been used to construct Buildings, Apartments, Schools, Hospital, Industrial and Commercial Buildings, etc. It is produced from a slurry of Cement, Fly Ash / Sand, Gypsum, Lime, Aluminum Powder, Water. The slurry is pumped into assembled moulds.
The Aeration imparts free flowing characteristics to this slurry due to ball bearing effect of air bubbles enabling it to easily flow into all corners without requiring any kind of vibration or compaction. Good Curing gives strength and dimensional stability to bricks.

Fly Ash
One of the major raw material required of the AAC Block. Optimum properties are achieved when selecting the most suitable raw material (fly ash, Cement). A 20% of fines contributes towards strength. As in conventional concrete, the fly ash should be free of organic material or other impurities.RAW MATERIAL
Portland cement is preferred over other cements. For early stripping and optimum mechanical properties, high- grade cement is recommended. Thick walls and when using battery-moulds, excess heat is developing within and might therefore ask for a lesser grade of cement.RAW MATERIAL
Lime Powder
Active powered lime is a requirement for giving the real aeration to the product. Different qualities of lime are available, and depending on the raw materials, the mix design can be chosen to get the optimal quality of production.RAW MATERIAL
This raw material too is an industrial waste. This is available as an industrial by product of Fertilizer Plant. Gypsum is responsible to give long term strength to the Blocks.RAW MATERIAL
Aluminium Power
Finely ground aluminium power is used in very limited quantity (less than 0.5%), so that it reacts with active lime, and silica in base material to make the aeration, and swell the product. making it very light weight product. It is considered one of the most important raw material, as it responsible for making the product light weight.RAW MATERIAL
Water is used in entire process starting from the preparation of mixture for the block till the final curing block. The Water to prepare the mix has to conform to general requirements for concrete mixture also known as slurry. Water temp. for best performance should not exceed 25°C.FIRE-RESISTANCE
A wall of ALAS AAC BLOCKS has a 4-6 hour fire resistance depending on the thickness of the wall.
ALAS AAC BLOCKS can be used in all climates and will not deteriorate in extreme heat or cold conditions.
ALAS AAC BLOCKS are used extensively as freeway sound barriers and fire walls all over the world.
As the ALAS AAC BLOCKS are made of inorganic materials, the pest resistant properties of AAC keeps termites away, avoiding damages and losses.
The manufacturing process gives the ALAS AAC BLOCKS commendable strength, maintaining its light weight property which make the buildings earthquake resistance and gives it a longer life.